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Fatima Sousi is uniquely qualified to speak about San Francisco她可以用五种语言来做这件事. 这位会说多种语言的巴塞罗那人于2005年搬到了旧金山, intending to stay for a year or two. 17年过去了,她还在听着联合广场上缆车的钟声.

“ beauty of San Francisco is that it has people from all over. 在这里,口音或长相不同都不是什么大问题,因为人们非常开放和热情,” Sousi says. “You can be whoever you are. Even when I first moved here, I never felt out of place.”

The senior sales manager for 希尔顿 San Francisco Union SquareParc 55 San FranciscoUnion Square high-rise hotels that attract vacationers, tour groups, business travelers, 以及来自世界各地的机组人员,他将旧金山描述为全球美食和习俗的丰富融合.

“这是一个看起来与其他美国城市非常不同的城市. 它很小,只有7英里乘7英里,但它提供了如此多的文化. Every neighborhood is a different experience.”

当朋友或家人来访时,苏西会带他们走两英里 Union Square’s high-end shops to 中国town’slively markets 和 North Beach沿街的人行道两旁都是小卖部,然后沿街走到海滨 Fisherman’s Wharf 和 Hyde Street Pier.

bbin游戏官网从酒店出发,然后走到格兰特大街,然后左转. We go through 中国town 看看所有有趣的商店,然后沿着哥伦布大道前往北海滩,”她说. 她的徒步旅行总是以历史咖啡馆的爱尔兰咖啡结束 Buena Vista Cafe.

“我总是带人去那里,因为我觉得那里很酷,而且那里的景色很棒 Golden Gate Bridge,” she says. “我最近得知,他们每天供应2000杯爱尔兰咖啡. 他们做得很快,一次能喝10杯,而且总是很完美. 这道菜多年来一直没有变过,而且味道总是那么好.”

To return to Union Square, everyone boards the cable car-旧金山最知名的标志和国家历史地标,自1873年以来一直吸引着游客.  

At sunset, Sousi’s favorite place to be is Cityscape on the 46th floor of Tower 1 at 希尔顿 San Francisco Union Square. 这座城市最高的空中酒吧位于加州最大的酒店的顶部, 1,921 rooms in three towers.

“城市景观是这座城市最好的景观,因为它有巨大的窗户,可以看到城市的两边——海湾大桥和海湾大桥 Golden Gate Bridge,” she says.

休息室的360度全景俯瞰着市中心的天际线, San Francisco Bay 和 its isl和s, City Hall, Twin Peaks, 和 the 61-floor Salesforce Tower. “很多大型旅行团选择住在希尔顿酒店,就是因为这里的景观. 观看日落时光线的变化是令人惊叹的,调酒师会调制出很棒的鸡尾酒,”苏西说.

San Francisco’s multicultural food scene is also a big draw for visitors, she says. “我喜欢来自世界各地的食物,在旧金山你可以得到任何你想要的. Near Union Square, I recommend Akiko’s, which is a charming boutique 日本ese restaurant. I also recommend 钻孔, which serves Northern 法国 food. 钻孔每10天更新一次菜单,每晚都有“惊喜”开胃菜. You order it 和 try to guess what’s in it.”

For 印度n 和 Pakistani food, Sousi goes to Aslam’s Rosoi in the Mission District. 她说:“我和我的朋友们已经去了10年了,有时甚至每周去一次。. “My favorite dish 是 chicken tikka masala. 羊排也很好吃——它们放在滋滋作响的煎锅里上桌.”

Among the city’s 28 Michelin-starred restaurants is Kin Khao at 希尔顿’s Parc 55 San Francisco. 这家泰国餐厅供应改良版的姜黄米饭沙拉, rabbit green curry, caramelized pork belly, 和 black rice pudding.

苏西说,旧金山的文化大熔炉在联合广场附近的博物馆展出. “ Museum of the African Diaspora is so interesting 和 has so much beautiful art. And the Contemporary Jewish Museum 这里有引人入胜的犹太文化、历史和艺术展览. Both museums are a 10-minute walk from our hotels.”

She also recommends the Tenderloin Museum. “A lot of people don’t know about it. The museum offers walking tours, 你会了解到建立这个社区的家庭, which was very important to the city’s history,” she says.

苏西建议乘坐公共交通工具或步行游览这座城市. “旧金山是美国最欧洲化的城市之一,因为你可以步行到很多地方, 和 the public transportation system is very good,” she says. “When I lived in Russian Hill, I would ride the cable car to work. Every trip was so cool.”



Sousi’s top picks for San Francisco include these spots:

公园: San Francisco has beautiful parks. My favorite spot in Golden Gate Park日本ese Tea Garden. 那里非常宁静,花园和建筑都很漂亮. Golden Gate Park’s California Academy of Sciences stays open late on Thursday evenings. It’s perfect for a date. 你可以四处走走,看看展品,它会给你一些话题. I also love Mission Dolores Park, which is next to the Castro. 你可以看到各种各样的人,每个人看起来都非常开心.

早午餐: Very close to our hotels is Lapisara Eatery. 这是一个很棒的周末早午餐的地方,有泰国风味的菜单. 我喜欢他们的鸡肉和华夫饼,他们有很好的鸡尾酒和玛格丽塔酒. Another great brunch place is Sweet Maple in 日本town. It’s one of the best brunch spots in San Francisco, 和 they serve different types of bottomless mimosas. The food is amazing. 那个地方真的很好,因为你离菲尔莫尔街所有的商店都很近.

Family-friendly: Kids will be very happy in San Francisco. Families should definitely walk around Fisherman’s Wharf和 go see the sea lions at Pier 39. They should also spend time at the Exploratorium at Pier 15. It’s a wonderful interactive learning museum. Take the boat to Alcatraz Isl和 参观著名的监狱——但一定要提前买票,因为在最后一刻往往很难买到票. Go to Golden Gate Park 和 the California Academy of Sciences. 这是一个巨大的博物馆,展品吸引了所有年龄的人. 一定要参加这次旅行,这样你就可以从“活屋顶”上看到风景.”

San Francisco Ferry Building: La Mar is a wonderful Peruvian restaurant. 他们做的皮斯科酸酒非常好喝,这是我最喜欢的饮料之一,还有美味的酸橘汁腌鱼. 你可以坐在里面或外面,俯瞰海港里的游艇. I also like Coqueta for great tapas 和 gin 和 tonics, 和 Waterbar for seafood. 晚餐后,沿着Embarcadero散步,看看海湾大桥的灯光. 走到桥墩的尽头看灯光真是太美了.

Mission District: The Mission has gorgeous 壁画. 我总是带人去看五层楼高的壁画 Women's Building. 这幅画展示了历史上最鼓舞人心的女性以及她们对世界的贡献. I get emotional just looking at it. 了解教会区的一个好方法是报名参加一个 food 和 culture tour. If you go on your own, get tacos at Tacolicious 和 dessert at Di和a’s, a wonderful Italian bakery. They make beautiful pastries 和 tres leches (milk cake).

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